Guide to a Joint Savings Account in Singapore

Guide to a Joint Savings Account in Singapore
Table of Contents

Joint savings accounts in Singapore offer a practical solution for managing finances collaboratively, whether it is between family members, couples, or business partners. They are an essential tool for those looking to streamline their financial planning, budgeting, and saving strategies.

This guide will walk you through the basics of joint savings accounts, their relevance in the context of Singapore's unique financial landscape, and the specific features that make them suitable for various needs. By the end of this guide, you will have a clearer understanding of how joint savings accounts work, what to look for when choosing one, and how they can be an integral part of your financial toolkit in Singapore. 


What Are Joint Accounts?

Joint accounts in Singapore function as a shared financial platform, enabling multiple individuals to deposit, withdraw, and manage funds collectively. They are not just a means to pool resources but also a symbol of trust and shared responsibility among those who open them. Typically utilised by couples, family members, or business partners, joint accounts serve a variety of purposes, from simplifying household expenses to planning for future investments.

What Are Joint Alternate Accounts?

A joint alternate account is a variation of a standard joint account where the primary holder maintains main control over the account, while the other party has limited access. They are useful in situations where one individual needs to manage the account primarily, such as a parent with a child, allowing for controlled access for the secondary holder. It offers a structured approach to shared banking with distinct roles for each party involved.

How They Work

They are grounded in the principle of joint ownership - every holder has equal rights and access. This feature is particularly beneficial for managing shared expenses like household bills, mortgage payments, or even saving for common goals such as vacations or children's education.

Here are the key features and operations offered:

Feature Description
Deposit and Withdrawal Access All parties can deposit and withdraw funds. This shared access ensures that managing day-to-day expenses becomes more streamlined and transparent among the holders.
Interest Accrual Much like individual savings accounts, joint accounts in Singapore often accrue interest. This means that funds can potentially grow over time, depending on the interest rate offered by the bank.
Mandate* Types
  • “Either to Sign” Mandate: This type of mandate allows any one of the holders to conduct transactions independently. These are suitable when creating joint accounts for couples where there is a high level of trust and both parties want to allow each other free access.
  • “Both to Sign” Mandate: Under this mandate, all parties involved must agree and provide their signature for any transaction to be valid.
Online and Mobile Banking This feature allows users to monitor their account, pay bills, and transfer funds conveniently, enhancing the ease of managing shared finances.
Statements and Alerts Users receive regular account statements and alerts, ensuring that all parties are kept informed about the account's status and transactions. This promotes transparency and aids in tracking expenses and savings.
Overdraft Facilities Some joint alternate accounts may offer overdraft facilities, allowing holders to spend more than what is available in the account. This can be particularly useful in emergencies but requires careful management to avoid financial strain.

*A mandate refers to the set of rules or instructions that govern how transactions are to be authorised and executed within the account. It essentially outlines who has the authority to operate the account and under what conditions.

12 Best Joint Bank Accounts in Singapore

In this section, we delve into the 12 best joint savings accounts offered by leading banks in Singapore.

The author of this article, Oleg Kryukovskiy, selected them based on their interest rates, minimum deposit requirements, accessibility, and other value-added features that make them stand out in the competitive banking landscape.Let us explore each of these bank offerings in detail to help you make an informed choice for your joint financial accounts.

DBS/POSB Joint Accounts  

DBS/POSB, known for their extensive banking network in Singapore, offers joint accounts like 'My Account' and 'eMySavings, catering to a wide range of customer needs with their user-friendly services and competitive interest rates.

Account Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
My Account 0.05% S$0
eMySavings Up to 0.25% S$50

OCBC Joint Accounts  

OCBC is renowned for its innovative banking solutions and customer-centric approach, providing options such as the '360’ and 'FRANK’, each designed to offer unique benefits and attractive interest rates.

Account Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
360 Up to 2.38% S$1,000
FRANK Up to 0.20% S$1,000

UOB Joint Accounts  

UOB stands out for its commitment to delivering tailored financial products, such as the 'Stash’, 'Uniplus’, 'One’, and 'KrisFlyer UOB’, each offering distinct advantages for joint account holders.

Account Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Stash Up to 0.05% S$1,000
Uniplus Up to 0.05% S$500
One Up to 2.50% S$1,000
KrisFlyer UOB Up to 1.40% S$1,000

Standard Chartered Bank Joint Accounts  

Standard Chartered Bank is recognized for its global presence and diverse range of financial services, offering options like the 'Bonus$aver’ and 'e$aver’, which are ideal for customers seeking flexibility and higher interest earnings.

Account Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
Bonus$aver Up to 2.38% S$3,000
e$aver Up to 0.20% S$1,000

Maybank Joint Accounts 

Maybank, a leading bank in Southeast Asia, provides the 'iSAVvy Savings Plus’, known for its competitive interest rates and customer-friendly features, making it a popular choice among joint account holders.

Account Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
iSAVvy Savings Plus Up to 0.38% S$500

Bank of China (BOC) SmartSaver Account 

The Bank of China (BOC) offers the 'SmartSaver’, standing out with its high interest rates and commitment to providing comprehensive financial solutions tailored to meet the needs of diverse customers in Singapore.

Account Interest Rate Minimum Deposit
SmartSaver Up to 3.55% S$1,500

Comparing Joint Savings Accounts

Each comes with its own set of features, interest rates, and requirements, which can significantly impact your financial management and savings growth. To aid in this comparison, we have compiled a table that outlines key details of some of the top joint savings accounts offered by major banks in Singapore. This table will provide a clear overview, helping you to evaluate and choose an account that best suits your joint financial needs.

Bank Account Type Interest Rate Minimum Deposit Key Features
DBS/POSB My Account 0.05% S$0 Flexible with no minimum balance; supports multiple currencies
DBS/POSB eMySavings Up to 0.25% S$50 Encourages regular saving with adjustable amounts
OCBC 360 Up to 2.38% S$1,000 Rewards for salary credit and bill payments; higher interest potential
OCBC FRANK Up to 0.20% S$1,000 Personalized designs; integrated budgeting tools
UOB Stash Up to 0.05% S$1,000 Benefits for maintaining higher balances; tiered interest rates
UOB Uniplus Up to 0.05% S$500 Additional interest for larger deposits
UOB One Up to 2.50% S$1,000 High interest for credit card usage and salary crediting
UOB KrisFlyer UOB Up to 1.40% S$1,000 Earn travel rewards; no foreign transaction fees
Standard Chartered Bonus$aver Up to 2.38% S$3,000 High returns for credit card spending and bill management
Standard Chartered e$aver Up to 0.20% S$1,000 Hassle-free online access; no minimum balance penalty
Maybank iSAVvy Savings Plus Up to 0.38% S$500 Bonus interest for incremental savings
Bank of China SmartSaver Up to 3.55% S$1,500 High interest for various banking activities

How to Choose a Joint Account?

Selecting the best joint account in Singapore requires careful consideration of several key factors. These factors should align with your financial objectives and lifestyle preferences.

Interest Rates: Look out for accounts with competitive interest rates as they can significantly enhance the growth of your savings over time. Higher interest rates mean more earnings on your deposited funds, which is crucial for long-term financial planning.

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Fees: Be aware of any monthly maintenance fees, transaction fees, or penalties for not maintaining a minimum balance. These fees can eat into your savings if not managed properly.

Accessibility: Consider how easily you can access the account. Look for features like online banking, mobile apps, and a wide network of ATMs. Easy access is crucial for managing your joint finances efficiently.

Additional Benefits: Some offer extra perks like cashback, rewards points, or discounts on other financial products. If these benefits align with your spending habits, they can add substantial value.

Financial Goals and Lifestyle Needs: Your choice should reflect your joint financial goals, whether it is saving for a home, planning a vacation, or simply managing household expenses. Consider how the account's features will help achieve these goals.

How to Open a Joint Account?

Opening a joint savings account in Singapore is a straightforward process, but it requires understanding who is authorised, what documents are needed, and the eligibility criteria. Here is a detailed guide on how to get started.

Who Can Open a Joint Savings Account?

In Singapore, they can be opened by any two or more individuals. This includes:

  • Spouses

Married couples often open joint accounts for easier management of household finances.

  • Family Members

Siblings, parents, and children (above a certain age) can also opt for joint accounts to manage shared family expenses.

  • Business Partners

For business-related finances, partners may open a joint account for transparency and ease of transactions.

What You Need to Open a Joint Savings Account?

The following documents are typically required:

  1. Identification Documents:

NRIC or passports of all parties involved.

  1. Proof of Address:

Utility bills or bank statements that show your current address.

  1. KYC Information:

Banks may require additional information to comply with Know Your Customer regulations.

Do Both Parties Have to Be There to Open a Joint Savings Account?

In most cases, the physical presence of all parties is necessary. This is for identity verification and to ensure mutual consent and understanding of the terms.

Exceptions include situations where it is not feasible for all parties to be physically present (e.g., one party residing overseas), where remote verification options can be used instead. However, it is important to note that these exceptions are not the norm and are subject to the discretion of each bank.


Eligibility for Opening a Joint Savings Account

Common eligibility criteria include:

  • Age:

Most banks require individuals to be at least 18 years old.

  • Residency Status:

Both residents and non-residents can open joint accounts, although the latter might face additional requirements.

  • Minimum Initial Deposit:

Some may require a minimum opening deposit.

Pros of Having a Joint Account in Singapore

They offer several advantages:

  1. Simplified Money Management: 

They streamline the process of managing shared expenses. They eliminate the hassle of multiple transfers between individual accounts, making it easier to pay for joint commitments like household bills, groceries, or mortgage payments. This consolidation of funds not only simplifies budgeting but also ensures that all shared expenses are covered in a more organised and timely manner.

  1. Shared Financial Goals:

For couples or business partners, they serve as a tool for achieving common financial objectives. Whether it is saving for a down payment on a house, setting aside money for a dream vacation, or pooling resources for investment opportunities, a joint account provides a unified platform to accumulate and track these savings. It encourages both parties to contribute regularly and stay committed to their shared financial aspirations.

  1. Ease in Tracking Expenses:

They offer a clear and consolidated view of where the money is going. This makes it easier to monitor spending patterns, manage budgets, and make informed financial decisions. It is particularly beneficial for creating and adhering to a budget, as all expenses are visible in one place, reducing the chances of overspending or financial mismanagement.

  1. Enhanced Financial Responsibility:

Operating a joint account requires communication and cooperation, fostering a culture of financial transparency and mutual responsibility. It encourages regular discussions about spending habits, savings goals, and financial planning. This collaborative approach to managing finances can strengthen the relationship between account holders, as it requires trust and a shared commitment to financial health and discipline.

  1. Convenience in Case of Emergencies:

In emergency situations, having immediate access to shared funds can be crucial. Whether it is an unexpected medical expense, urgent home repairs, or other unforeseen costs, a joint account ensures that both parties can quickly and easily access the necessary funds without the need for lengthy processes or approvals. This shared access can provide a sense of security and preparedness for life's unpredictable moments.


Cons of Having a Joint Account in Singapore

While joint accounts offer several advantages, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

  1. Reduced Financial Privacy:

Joint accounts mean shared visibility into transactions. This can lead to a lack of privacy in financial matters, as all transactions are visible to all holders.

  1. Potential for Disagreements:

With shared control, there is a possibility of disagreements regarding spending habits or financial decisions, which can strain relationships.

  1. Risk of Mismanagement:

If one party mismanages the account (e.g., overspending or incurring debt), it affects all holders. This shared liability can be a significant risk, especially if the parties have different approaches to financial management.

  1. Complications in Separation or Divorce:

In the event of a relationship breakdown, dividing the assets in a joint account can be complicated. It may lead to legal challenges or disputes over the equitable division of funds.

  1. Vulnerability to Credit Issues:

If one account holder has debt or credit issues, it could potentially impact the other holder. Creditors may be able to make claims against the joint account for one party's debts.

It is important to weigh these cons against the pros when considering whether a joint account is suitable for your financial situation and relationship dynamics.

Final Thoughts about Joint Accounts in Singapore

Joint savings accounts in Singapore are practical tools for managing shared finances. They offer a straightforward way to handle joint expenses and save for common goals. When considering your financial strategy, it is important to look at options that can enhance your portfolio.

Kilde is an investment platform that offers an opportunity to diversify investments. It provides access to high-yield investments, with potential returns up to 13.5% p.a., and without transaction costs. This can be a significant addition to the more stable returns of a joint savings account. Kilde's selection of secured private debt products offers a range of investment opportunities, making it a valuable tool for those looking to expand their investment scope beyond traditional savings.

To sum up, while they serve as a reliable and efficient way to manage finances collaboratively, integrating investment platforms like Kilde can further enhance your investment strategy. By combining the stability and shared responsibility of a joint account with the growth potential offered by Kilde's investment opportunities, you can create a well-rounded wealth accumulation plan.

This approach not only caters to immediate wealth management needs but also paves the way for long-term asset growth and security.



***KILDE PTE LTD (“Kilde”) is incorporated in Singapore (registration no. 201929587K) is licenced and regulated by the Monetary Authority Singapore and holds a Capital Markets Services Licence (CMS101016) and an Exempted Financial Advisor License under the Financial Adviser Act. The information provided in this marketing material is intended for “accredited investors” and “institutional investors” (collectively “qualified persons”) only. This marketing material, and any information in this marketing material, or any documentation that Kilde provides in relation to this marketing material is provided without any representation or any kind of warranties whatsoever (whether express or implied by law).

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The views expressed in this blog post are solely my personal opinions and do not constitute professional financial advice. I am simply sharing my opinions with no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. No reader should make decisions based solely on the contents of this blog post. Readers should consult their own financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Neither the author of this blog post, Kilde, nor its employees will be held liable for any financial losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained herein. Investing contains risks, including total loss of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. Please conduct your own research before investing.

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Oleg Kryukovskiy
Co-Founder of KILDE
Radek Jezbera
Founder & co-CEO of KILDE, a regulated platform for alternative investments.
Aleksandra Yurchenko TEST
Aleksandra is managing investor relations at KILDE
Aleksandra Yurchenko
Aleksandra is managing investor relations at KILDE


What is the Minimum Age to Open a Joint Account Singapore?

Typically, individuals must be at least 18 years old.

Can Non-Residents Open a Joint Account in Singapore?

Yes, but additional documentation may be required.

Are There Any Tax Implications for Joint Accounts in Singapore?

Joint accounts may have tax implications, depending on the individual’s circumstances.

How Does a Joint Account Differ from an Individual Account?

A joint account is co-owned by two or more individuals, offering shared access and responsibility, unlike individual accounts which are solely managed by one person.

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